ACG Access

The DealSource Meeting Scheduling Tool

You're in Control of Who, When & Where You Meet

ACG Access, the DealSource online scheduling tool, allows participants to see who’s attending, request and confirm meetings, and connect with key dealmakers from across the country before and during the event.

There are no restrictions on who you can meet, or where or when you want to schedule your meetings at DealSource.  ACG Access is available only to DealSource registrants who have received login information.

ACG Access is targeted to launch on May 16, 2024.  Please email with any questions.

  • The first time you login, you’ll be directed to review / update your profile information.
  • We also recommend adding a headshot to help others find you onsite.
  • Save the email with your login details for future use.

To find attendees, either go to Meetings > Request Meetings, or the Attendees tab.

Use the search function the top for open-ended searches, like a company or individual’s name.

Use the checkbox filters located on the left-hand side of the page or the search box to narrow down to participants by categories like firm category, deal size, or location.

We’ve included a new category of specific industry verticals to help you narrow your search to other attendees doing deals in the same space as you.

To learn more about a user, click their name or headshot and a panel will open displaying additional information.

Use the “Request” button that appears in the bottom-left of the attendee card to submit.

Upon clicking “Request,” you will be prompted to submit a desired duration (required), a suggested time slot, and an optional message.

Click the “Received Requests” button to view all received requests.

Next, click the button labeled “Accept” to then confirm the meeting duration and preferred location. You also have the option to add additional attendees in the top-right corner of the dialog box and/or send a message to the requestor upon accepting the request.

Once all information is confirmed, click “Submit” to schedule.

Transferring or Adding a Colleague to a Meeting

You can transfer a meeting request to colleague or add a colleague or other attendee by going to your Received Requests, Sent Requests, or My Calendar and selecting the Edit option.

You can view the schedules of other attendees from your organization by going to the Firm Schedule tab.

You can download your meeting schedule to your Outlook or other calendars buy going to Meetings > Confirmed Meetings and selecting the ‘Export Calendar’ button.

We do recommend waiting until closer to the event in case your meetings are updated. You’ll also options to print your schedule in different formats.

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